Filmmaker explores ranked choice voting in new documentary coming to Boise | Rank MI Vote Skip to main content

| Scott McIntosh | Idaho Statesman |

Veteran political documentary filmmaker AJ Schnack (Caucus, Convention) returns to the campaign trail asking whether these new Alaska reforms, an all-candidate open primary and an instant runoff general election, might be a prescription for what ails the American democratic experiment.

Schnack’s new documentary, “Majority Rules,” about open primaries and ranked choice voting in the 2022 elections in Alaska, is coming to Boise for a special screening July 17.

Change the system for the better?

Traveling across the country, Schnack and his crew interview reform supporters and opponents, looking at where these reforms are already in place and where they may soon be adopted. The resulting film answers two of our nation’s most pressing questions: How did the American electoral system become so dysfunctional, and can changes to how we vote change our entire system for the better?

“Because the way our system is set up, these primaries, where it’s so heavily tilted to one party or the other, the elections are already called before you even get to a general election in a lot of races, which is a lot different than it was 20 years ago,” filmmaker AJ Schnack said in a video interview. The film is coming to festivals and select theaters in summer 2024.

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