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Alaska Voters Reject Repeal of Top 4 Primary and Ranked Choice Voting

By November 21, 2024No Comments

| Shawn Griffiths | Independent Voter News |

Two weeks after Election Day, Alaska voters finally know the fate of their election system. The choice before them was keep the nonpartisan Top 4 primary system with ranked choice voting in the general election or go back to partisan control over elections.

The system that empowers voters

“We are thrilled that Alaskans from all over the state with diverse views and different backgrounds came together to preserve the system that empowers voters to elect representatives that will put Alaska first,” said No on 2 Executive Director Juli Lucky and Campaign Chair Lesil McGuire in a joint statement.

“Once again, voters made their voices heard and, once again, voters approved open primaries and ranked choice voting, a system that honors Alaskans’ independence and rewards elected leaders who work together to address the challenges that face our state,” Lucky and McGuire said.

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